Welcome to the official website of the Nordic WCS Championships

Never did we expect when we started out with our small scale event back in 2012 that we would get so much love and support from so many of you. Our goal has always been to mantain the heart and soul of this dance with parties, workshops and of course as much social dancing as we can squeeze in. So even though we offer JnJs, Strictly's, etc. don't get fooled by the formal name of the event. Having a good time is still our no1 priority! Tell all your friends and join us for this 3 night celebration and a whole weekend with some serious west coast swingin' going on. We hope to create great memories with ya'll while you are visiting Stockholm! Please note that the website is updated on a regular basis, but it does take some time to keep up with it. Our FB event page is therefore most likely going to be your best source of quick information. However, we will of course be posting everything here in due time and questions regarding registration, accomodation, traveling, etc. will naturally be answered through the website as well. We thank you in advance for all of your support!